Monday, September 26, 2011

It's not the Gamecocks, but it was fun

Saturday morning Josh and I decided to go to the GA Tech/UNC Football game to check out the college football tailgating scene in Atlanta. Although the game started at noon, and we didn't leave the house until 11:20am, we still had plenty of time to find an awesome parking spot near the stadium, scalp some awesome 4th row, lower level tickets for less than face value, and make it into the game a couple minutes into the 1st Quarter. It was pretty amazing considering we are used to arriving for USC games at least 5 hours before kick off, hoping and praying to find tickets for somewhere in the stadium no matter where it might be, and being lucky enough to jump in someone else's car so we don't have to park somewhere random for $30.
As you can see in the picture above, our seats were great. The game was very sloppy and although the Tarheels fought hard in the end, the Yellow Jackets ended up winning the game. We had some very nice older fans behine us who thought we were great. Josh and I were clearly not in the visitors section as we sat there in our light blue attire. Unlike SEC Fans at big universities, the GA Tech Fans welcomed us to their section and were very nice. They even got to know us as well. Fairly different experience from any other football game I have attended.

I wish I had taken more picture of the stadium. I had an ole'timey feel to it. Very small and probably not a real bad seat in the house. It was also neat to be able to see the Atlanta Skyline in the background. You can see the Bank of America tower in the background of the picture above.

Although the Tarheels were not able to bring home a W, the night ended watching the Carolina Gamecocks bring home yet another! We were happy about that and hope for the same as we play Auburn this weekend. Go Cocks!

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