Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Kale Chips = Deliciousness!

Yes, you heard that right, kale chips are delicious. Yesterday I was browsing a new blog that I found from an old friends facebook page, Salootay, and I came upon a recipe for kale chips. Since I am recently on a kale kick, I thought this would be a healthy snack to make when I got home from work. Plus, any excuse I have to hop in Whole Foods for some fresh veggies is good for me!

The chips were delicious and I am going to be sure to make them again. It was hard not to eat the whole batch myself, but I had to stop and pack some to go with my lunch at work today. Click here, Salootay Recipe for Kale Chips, to get the details on the recipe. I promise, you will not be disappointed. Happy healthy snacking!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Valentines and Picasso

Valentine's was spectacular! My day started out with these beautiful roses delivered to my office from my dad. After work Josh and I had plans to go to the High Museum of Art to see the From Picasso to Warhol exhibit. It's a bit hard to convince Josh to go to a museum, so I decided to trade roses for a trip to the museum! (I secretly knew my dad gives me roses every year, so I figured these were enough right?!)

You will have to excuse the poor picture quality. I was scared to take my nice camera to an art museum because usually you are not allowed to take pics. I snapped a few with my camera phone, sans flash of course, but it's just not the same.
For those of you who might not recognize the sculptures above, these are from one of my most favorite artists of all time, Constantin Brancusi. My favorite piece here is the "Bird in Space" sculpture in the back on the higher column. It is magnificent! I was probably the most excited about seeing his work and of course there were also a couple pieces of furniture created by Frank Lloyd Wright that I might have drooled over as well.

Picasso is Picasso! Seriously, I don't need to tell you who that is right?

It was fun seeing all the famous Campbell's Soup Warhol creations as well. There were so many of them and I loved looking at each one.

Warhol's self portrait print is pretty spectacular. Love all the bright colors and overlaying of the colors. Very cool to see up close and personal.

This piece entitled "The Dance" by Henry Matisse was much bigger than I expected. I has seen pictures of it before, but it did not prepare me for the actual size. Love, love, love this one.

After the museum, Josh and I grabbed a quick bite at the Haute Doggery! If you are ever craving a "gourmet dog," it's the place to go.

Suddeth Christmas 2011

After a few nights in Florence, Josh and I made the next trip to Charleston for the Suddeth family Christmas. I guess I was a little tired, because I don't have as many pictures to show for it, but I did manage to get some cute ones of the kids.

Jeddie and his family had just moved so it was fun to celebrate Christmas in the new house. Mom and Granddad made the trip from Columbia, and dad came from Summerville to share in the fun. It's always a great time when we get together and I love watching the kids grow up.

Ripley has grown so much. Above you can see her relaxing while checking out her new Tom's. I personally think she should be in a commercial for them!

Ripley loved Josh and here you can see her relaxing while Josh holds her.

Cokey loves the camera. She might be a model one day and I can start her career! Just kidding, I am so not that good of a photographer, but I will take credit for it if she makes it big. I mean, she is the cutest right?!!

Adelaide was a trip. She loved her new doll and Jeddie is in the background watching his new movie. He was so into it that it was hard to remember to close his mouth. We kept telling him flies were going to get in! Didn't work though.

After the trip to Florence and then the trip to Charleston, Josh and I were exhausted, but it was work every yawn and mile we drove home back to Atlanta to create more memories with both of our families. I look forward to the next time we get to see them all.

Hesley Christmas 2011

I know it's February 16, and yes, I am just now letting you know how awesome my Christmas was in 2011. Let's just say that I have been a little out of touch, but it's time I refocused and dedicated more time to letting you guys in on all the fun I have been having. (I mean, I do sort of tend to have a great time!)

Ok, let's rewind to Christmas 2011. Here are some pics from Florence, SC with the Hesley family x-mas:

Josh loves his white jeans, maybe he was hoping for a white christmas. I say wear white whenever you want, even if the rule is being broken because it's after Labor Day. Whatever.

Here is Josh's family. From left to right we have Sam, Jack, Linda, Elizabeth and Josh. Pretty cute family! Nilla, Catie, Perry and I were ousted from this pic apparently!

That's ok, we made this picture. Nothing like some fun sister(in-law)ly fun after vino and dinner before Santa comes. The next pic involved picking Nilla up, but I liked this one better!

And of course we can't leave out the life of the party. Catie and Perry make Christmas magical! What adorable little nieces we have. I love them so much.