Thursday, February 16, 2012

Valentines and Picasso

Valentine's was spectacular! My day started out with these beautiful roses delivered to my office from my dad. After work Josh and I had plans to go to the High Museum of Art to see the From Picasso to Warhol exhibit. It's a bit hard to convince Josh to go to a museum, so I decided to trade roses for a trip to the museum! (I secretly knew my dad gives me roses every year, so I figured these were enough right?!)

You will have to excuse the poor picture quality. I was scared to take my nice camera to an art museum because usually you are not allowed to take pics. I snapped a few with my camera phone, sans flash of course, but it's just not the same.
For those of you who might not recognize the sculptures above, these are from one of my most favorite artists of all time, Constantin Brancusi. My favorite piece here is the "Bird in Space" sculpture in the back on the higher column. It is magnificent! I was probably the most excited about seeing his work and of course there were also a couple pieces of furniture created by Frank Lloyd Wright that I might have drooled over as well.

Picasso is Picasso! Seriously, I don't need to tell you who that is right?

It was fun seeing all the famous Campbell's Soup Warhol creations as well. There were so many of them and I loved looking at each one.

Warhol's self portrait print is pretty spectacular. Love all the bright colors and overlaying of the colors. Very cool to see up close and personal.

This piece entitled "The Dance" by Henry Matisse was much bigger than I expected. I has seen pictures of it before, but it did not prepare me for the actual size. Love, love, love this one.

After the museum, Josh and I grabbed a quick bite at the Haute Doggery! If you are ever craving a "gourmet dog," it's the place to go.

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